Embassy Bible School Student Housing Project

Provided quality housing for women attending Bible School at the River Bible Institute in Tampa, Florida for 10 years.  

Make Checks to:

ACTS /  Love Covering

George and Julie Hobbs- - Directors

11730 Winterpock Road

Chesterfield VA 23838

 Prison Ministry

(Bibles, literature, and greeting cards for Prisoners

Make Checks to:

ACTS /  Prison Ministry

Mary Sauer-Director

P.O. Box 1013

Solvang, CA  93464

Love Covering Ministry

(Assistance for Single Mothers)


Prayer Cabin  Ministry

Quiet retreat places to rest, pray, and sing unto the Lord

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through scanning a QR code which takes you to PayPal.

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Ministry Projects

Home http://actsfoundation.comPage

Poetry-Page Three

You are the light of the world.

Shine brightly where God puts you.

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Special Pages

A Father's Blessing

Find Peace with God